Missouri NENA is dedicated to keeping you informed on the latest legislative news.

Are You Committed to a Better 911 System and a Better and Safer Missouri?
For many years we have knocked on the doors of legislatures, roaming the halls of the capitol. We have stopped anyone who will talk to us or just lend us their ears for a few moments to discuss the concerning reality of 911 in Missouri. The painful truth is that Missouri lacks the funding to keep our families safe. With 17 counties still working on Enhanced 911, or not... What are we doing to change our reality?
The Missouri NENA legislative committee is committed to a Better 911 System and a Better and Safer Missouri. It is imperative that we as a membership stay current on changes in our state regarding legislative proposals and action. We at Missouri NENA intend on keeping you informed and educated. WE are the Voice of 911 and our voice needs to be loud and clear. There has been movement this year and it is up to us to see this through. Remember that through education the message will be delivered and it is how we deliver it that makes the difference! So get involved and stay involved. Together we will make a difference!
Legislative Committee Chair
April A. Ford Executive Director Jasper County Emergency Services (JASCO) 13870 Dispatch Lane Carthage, MO 64836417-358-7000 x 3300 [email protected] |